Traveling exhibition of Ivo Šebalo on November 8, 2017 in Pakrac
Organized by the Museum of the Pakrac town and the Culture Association of Val, in the Museum of the Pakrac town, on Wednesday, 8 November 2017, at 18.00 there will be an exhibition of the works of Ivo Šebalo entitled Painting is looking for time.
It is a traveling exhibition marking the 105th anniversary of birth and the 15th anniversary of the death of the great Ivo Šebalj. Organizer and project leader of the association Valkulture in cooperation with institutions Croatian Museum of Tourism, Art Gallery of Slavonski Brod, City of Pakrac Museum, Osijek Museum of Fine Arts and Center for Culture of Čakovec. The exhibition curator is a graduate art historian and museologist Sonja Švec Španjol.
The aim of the project is to update the opus of Ivo Šebalo and to enable audiences from all over Croatia to get acquainted with the work of one of the most esteemed Croatian painters of the 20th century. The selection of around 150 works, which were produced in the mid-forties of the 1940s, have been highly representative of the poetics and creativity of Ivo Šebalo. Most of them are handles, watercolors and showers on paper of different dimensions. The collection of works by Ivo Šebalo was enriched by his brilliant, masterful work by Ivan Sabolic, as well as by a very interesting photodocumentation – portraits of artists taken by renowned photographers and photographer Marija Braut, Luka Mjeda, Mio Vesović, Branimir Baković and Aleksandar Kukec. The specialty of the collection must surely be made up of two large maps of the B1 format, on which Ivo Šebalj tidily arranged small watercolors and waved, wrote a few thoughts, and drew it all in the orderly numbers.
Since the collection has not yet found permanent accommodation accessible to all interested, the opus of one of the most important Croatian artists of the 20th century will be presented to a wide range of exhibitions in cities across Croatia that have shown interest in hosting the opus of a great artist. The selection of works and exhibitions will be tailored to the exhibition space of museums and galleries that will host Šebaljev’s opus. The changing character of the exhibition will allow for varied variations and accentuation of works from the exhibition to the exhibition, which will greatly contribute to the comprehensiveness and dynamics of the presentation of the character and work of Ivo Šebalo.
“Ivo Šebalj is a specialty of Croatian art. Intimist, self-centered, hypersensitive, introvert, melancholy, “tireless creator of beauty,” “a representative of persistent, thinking, unconcerned.” Distinct and honestly, facing himself in his room of the atelier room and devoted to his paintings of characteristic motifs that problematize his own life in the field of painting. “There is not such a selfish painting as Šebaljevo” Ive Šimat Banov poems in the Book of the Holy Spirit. In painting and life he was interested in what was important – to paint the truth about himself and the world. “(from the lecture by Sonja Švec Španjol)
The exhibition in the Pakrac Museum will remain open until November 22, 2017.
The sponsor of the exhibition is Adriatic BB.