Ana Ratković, Anđela Zank, Andrej Tomić, Anja Leko, Borna Ban, Damir Sobota, Domagoj Rogina, Dominik Vuković, Dorian Trepić, Filip Miloloža, Grgur Akrap, Iris Poljan, Ivan Oštarčević, Ivana Bajcer, Ivana Koren Madžarac, Ivana Tkalčić, Jelena Bando, Jelena Sokic, John Milic, Josip Camber, Lav Paripovic, Lidija Ferenacak, Luka Hatvalić, Luka Kušević, Luka Petrak, Maja Bachler, Marija Koruga, Marija Lopac, Mario Romoda, Marko Mercep, Mia Maraković, Miriam Younis, Miro Župa, Monika Meglić, Paula Bučar, Petra Lidia Ševeljević, RadovanKunić, Rinella Ivanković, Romana Nikolić, Sanja JureškoM, Style B-Okvir, Tatjana Politeo, Tea Jurisic, Vranic, Vida Meic, Zoran Unkovic



Get to know and hang out with our top illustrators ..

7.12. at 20 o’clock – Dalibor Talajić

Journey man, in our jargon, is a bookwriter who is not related to one title, but a walk from project to project. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this interesting career have revealed to us the real travel man – Dalibor Talajić.


“I’ve always been kidding with the idea that it would be great to draw comics, for Marvel, but I did not have support at the parent’s home.”


“The Way to Sleep – A Hard Way” is one of the topics Dalibor told us about all the obstacles he had to go through to realize his dream of being one of a few Croatian artists working for American Marvel, a company that ‘created’ Spider -Mana, X-Mena, or Avengers.


“In the strip you have to invest and know that it will be a waste, because it is culture, no matter how disputed. Strip is a visual, narrative, writing culture and needs to bring up painters and scriptwriters, “says Dalibor.


Here’s what Dalibor has revealed to us: the marketing agencies’ storiffs as the best possible school for stripe work; illustration, poster and strip as a means of narration and their differences in it; strip as a corporate activity: parameters, authorship and deadlines …


Dalibor Talajic was born in Sarajevo in 1972. Since 1975 he has been living in Zagreb, where he graduated from the Grammar School, and then at the Music Academy. At the Music School, Zlatko Balokovic is working as a clarinet professor until 2005. Since then she has been working as a comic booklet and illustrator.


As Dalibor’s visit to Art Hood went on, read the H-ALTER Newspaper H-rvacke ALTER-native.


21:12. at 19 o’clock – Ivan Gregov – “Why Illustration?”




Illustrator Ivan Gregov will present 20 years of his illustrative work. Through that time, this author has realized projects using several “classical” painting techniques. In addition to them, he will explain why and why his illustrations are made. But that’s not all!


In the first part, Gregov will clarify the basics on which the medium of illustration is based, and a little forgotten and neglected art disciplines.


But just the illustration is probably the most us introduced not only in the world of books, but also reading and learning itself. Even in today’s digitized world of communication, 18 million people start their own working day – just staring at the illustrations.


On the other hand, its emergence has to do with illiteracy and the devil itself … This presentation will also show us domestic and world examples. If your illustration has always been interested, this is a real opportunity to get to know more closely.


28.12. at 19 o’clock – Milivoj Ćeran – “Sword, Magic & Dollars”



This master of fantasy illustrations who has exhibited his works at the world conventions – Gen Con Indianapolis (USA), San Diego Comic Con (USA), Illuxcon (USA), Edmonton Expo and Saskatoon Expo (Canada) and at home conventions IFCC, SFerakon, you really have what to learn!


They will talk about a fantastic illustration here and in the American market as it has been a little bit sluggish and directed and eventually came to what it has always wanted to do – and that’s fantasy, that’s a fantastic illustration. They will talk about deadlines. About the contracts. About the heavy plum. About working with art directors both in us and in America and about big differences. About how it can still work with traditional techniques, especially in fantasy that is digital. There is also an original marketplace, and collectors that help to keep the illustrators going to do what they are the best.



Publishers and more famous projects he worked on:


Wizards of the Coast, (USA) – illustrations for “Dragon” and “Dungeon” magazine, D & D fortune cards, rpg books, “D & D Next” 5 edition, Magic the Gathering; World of Warcraft trading card game illustrations (Upper Deck Entertainment and Cryptozoic Entertainment, USA); Blizzard, (USA) – Hearthstone; Paizo Publishing, LLC, (USA) Illustrations for Pathfinder Books; Applibot (Japan) – Legend of the Cryptids, and Galaxy Saga; Green Roning Publishing (USA); FASA Games – Earthdawn (USA); Privateer Press (USA); Sony Online Entertainment (USA) – Legends of Norrath; Hex Entertainment, (USA) – HEX tcg; Fantasy Flight Games, USA



Get to know these young artists, their work, and the challenges they face:


Iris Poljan

Ivan Oštarčević

Lav Paripović

Marko Mercep

Sanja Jureško

Tatjana Politeo

Tea Jurišić

Zorana Unkovic



Talk to artists about the gallery scene and other topics related to art:

Presentation of Art Fair Art Zagreb

Talk about the 20th anniversary of the Cartoon novels show

Topic: The Art Market (Martina Miholić and Mia Orsag will speak)